Legacy Fiberoptics, Inc.

About Legacy Fiberoptics, Inc.

Legacy Fiberoptics, Inc. manufactures, distributes, and provides fiber optic products and equipment for small businesses and commercial/ industrial companies. Cazbah developed a clean website design for Legacy Fiberoptics, Inc. to clearly feature their full range of fiber optic services and exhibit their products online.

Project Overview

Legacy Fiberoptics needed a website that included important technical product and service information but was not so confusing that it would drive customers away. The Cazbah team created an updated website design that balances important technical information in a clean and organized layout so visitors can easily learn more about the products and services they are interested in. With simple and structured product and service pages, more web visitors are interacting with important pages and converting to sales quicker.

The Cazbah team focused on SEO keyword integration and content development to accomplish Legacy Fiberoptics’ goals to create professional and helpful content for prospects and increase website traffic from valuable keyword searches. Through consistent work and tracking, new visitor traffic to the Legacy Fiberoptics website has increased, creating more high quality leads and consistent sales.
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