Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions These Terms and Conditions (this “Agreement”) is between CTHorizons, LLC d/b/a Cazbah™ (“CAZBAH”) and you. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions between you and the Cazbah™ Total Internet Marketing Solution. 1. OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE...

Online Lead Generation: a Guide on Best Practices for Small Firms

  Ever wonder why some small businesses seem to have the Midas touch when it comes to attracting customers online? The secret sauce, more often than not, lies in mastering online lead generation. With an average ROI sitting at a jaw-dropping 3800%, according to...

How to Create an Email Campaign That Skyrockets Open Rates

Are you ready to take your email open rates to the stratosphere? Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But wait, isn’t email marketing deader than disco?” It’s quite the contrary, actually.  Email is still the reigning champ when it comes to...