The increase in AI written content is no secret to the digital marketing industry, especially for small businesses. It seems easy enough to type a prompt like “write a blog post for a small manufacturing company”, post the AI content to the website, and call it done. While this is an approach some businesses have taken, there’s more to it than that if you expect it to rank well. There is no shortcut to effective content marketing, it requires someone with a creative mind and an industry expert.

Content alone can’t increase keyword rankings or increase traffic on your small business website

While Cazbah has always promoted the value of content (Content is STILL king), just uploading generalized content as a blog post won’t always attract good-quality leads. When a user or potential customer is Googling something they are trying to solve a problem.

If a potential customer were to search “marketing for a small manufacturer” they might be looking for marketing strategies they can suggest to the owner, they might be looking for validation that they have the basis of a good strategy, or they might be looking for a digital marketing company. The idea is the user’s true intent is unknown when they click on a website. You can cater the content on your website to attract a user closer to a buying decision or at the least avoid users who might be looking for something completely different.

Putting a prompt into an AI writing program doesn’t give you this insight. You can change your prompt to include specific keywords, make it a certain length, or even have it written in a specific “tone”, but the only outcome you will receive is a generalized content piece based on other information already available on the internet.

AI Content Has Limitations

The prompts you input into an AI content generator are similar to how users search on Google. When a user searches on Google, they are trying to solve a problem and Google does its best to find a result to solve the problem. As we all know, your first search on Google rarely solves your specific problem, and sometimes Google will suggest something completely unrelated to what you want.

The same process occurs when writing a prompt for an AI content program. For example, if you write the prompt,“Write a blog post about insulation for a small manufacturing company”,. You might receive a post giving you tips on how to insulate your residential house.! While you could argue to just try a different prompt, you will have to then read through the newly generated post to ensure that the information is correct, the right keywords are being used, and that it’s written in natural language and does not sound like a robot providing definitions.

AI Content is Ideal for Short-Form Content

It might seem like we are against using any AI at Cazbah, but that is not our point. Many AI content programs are ideal for short-form content generation and can make some processes more efficient and effective.

For example, writing social media posts 3-5 times a month can get tedious, especially if you don’t have an elected employee to “run the social media”. 

Using AI for assistance in writing social posts on specific topics, or even specific pages, can help save valuable resources. Building up a social media presence takes a lot of time, effort, and consistency. If you had the choice between writing one excellent social media post a month or using AI to create a few good posts, it would be better to develop those good AI posts while you work on the excellent one. Just like long form content, it is essential to edit and review the content, topics, and posts before they are added to your social media account.

Get Your Employees Involved in the Process

Your employees and co-workers, especially the long-term ones, are a prime resource for valuable content generation information. Receiving first-hand information, personalized to your company, will always be 10x more valuable than AI pulling information offfrom the internet from other businesses who maybe different than yours.

Our content development process at Cazbah is designed to be collaborative We encourage this because it allows for different perspectives, new information, and fresh ideas, creating the best-written pieces of content. When you work with a digital marketing company or you are an in-house marketing person working with a small manufacturer in an industry that you have never worked in before, it can be difficult to write content. It is tempting to just enter a prompt in an AI program, upload it  a stock image, and collect your praise, but if you want your content to work for you, you need to take it a step further.

Talking to an engineer or a salesperson in your company can be an easy way to get content that is catered to exactly what users are searching for. Think about it, they are the ones directly involved with your products or working with leads. They have direct knowledge of what information is important to your customersUse AI content as a base and build it’s value by including specific information that is unique to your organization, using your employees and co-workers as resources. 

For many small business manufacturers, AI generated content may seem like an easy solution. However, AI content development needs to be used appropriately if it’s going to actually help your business succeed. 

Want more information on how we help small business manufacturers succeed online? Schedule a COMP call now!